Understanding Your Business
Like any other marketing campaign, the Google shopping campaign also requires a detailed understanding of the client’s business even before the structuring starts, We invest the necessary time in researching your domain and competition and understanding your product catalogue. We will figure out your fastest-moving or the most profit-producing product, and thus the most important product and product categories to promote.
Analysing Shopping Feed
One of the most crucial aspects of a Google Shopping Campaign is formatting and optimising a product feed. It dictates the long-term success of your campaign as it first has to run through Google Merchant Centre before AdWords can show any ads. We will help you create an optimal product feed and optimise it by plugging it into our product feed optimising partners who are industry experts, regardless of the size and complexity of your feeds.
Integrating Google Analytics
The Google AdWords data concerning your campaign performance is not sufficient for the efficient optimisation and reporting of your Google Shopping campaigns. That is why we help you accurately set up Google Analytics tracking to understand how your website visitors are actually interacting with your website after clicking on one of your Shopping ads. We also utilise Google Analytics for creating highly-targeted remarketing audiences using AdWords campaign data.
Tracking Conversion Rates
Accurate conversion tracking is extremely crucial for the best optimisation of your shopping campaign. Tracking conversion rates for e-commerce can become particularly tricky when platforms have complicated checkout systems. However, with substantial experience working with custom sites and frequently-incorporated checkout integrations, along with online stores with a longer sales cycle, we can help you track revenue back to each ad click.
Product Characterisation
Google primarily uses the information in your product feed instead of keywords to show an ad for a particular search query. Thus we ensure that your product feed has precise product segmentation so that you get to bid the right amount for each query. This allows us to bid on fast-moving and slow-moving products in your feed accordingly.
Intelligent Bidding
Finally, we use our expert insights and effective strategies to consistently test your campaign for figuring out better ways of generating high-quality traffic for a lesser cost. After all, this is why you would want to hire us! We utilise intelligent and product-specific bidding through specific algorithms to get maximum ad impressions and minimise cost per click.
Real-time Optimisations
We carry out monthly optimisation of your Google Shopping Campaigns as they are running. We utilise the data generated from your ongoing campaigns for product segmentation, optimising product feed, restructuring campaigns and customising bids. We also closely work with your to discuss new and better ideas to enhance the lifetime value of your customers.